Laboratory test
Bending test
Bending test (EN ISO 1519).
Visual comparison
Visual comparison of the paint and decorations applied with the use of a standardized lighting booth (UNI EN ISO 3668: 2002).
Chemical analysis
Chemical analysis of the paint with the use of a calorimeter (DSC).
Measurement of the mass variations
Measurement of the mass variations of the painted product as a function of the temperature and of time with the use of a thermogravimeter.
Natural exposure
Natural exposure in exposure sites in Florida (USA) and in our factories (ASTM G147 - 2009; ASTM G7 - 2005).
Analysis of the resistance
Analysis of the resistance of the paint in aggressive artificial atmospheres using specific instruments (UNI EN ISO 9227).
Resistance to humidity
Measurement of the resistance to humidity of the paint using special devices (UNI EN ISO 6270-1:2001).
Measurement of the hardness of the paint on the support (UNI EN ISO 2815:2005; ISO 15184:1998)
Measurement of the colour of the paint
Measurement of the colour of the paint with the use of a spectrophotometer (ISO 7724/3:1984)
Measurement of the Brightness of the paint (UNI EN ISO 2813:2001)
Artificial ageing and exposure
Artificial ageing and exposure to artificial radiation with the use of Q-Sun3000 and Solarbox (ISO 16474-2).
Measurement of the adhesion of the paint on the surface (UNI EN ISO 2409:2007).