Natural exposure in Florida - 24 / 36 / 60 months
The natural exposure in Florida is a mandatory test, required by all international specifications, essential for evaluating the resistance of the coating products and the finishes for outdoor use.
Gi Color sends more than 1500 samples every year to Atlas weathering service of Miami, which is the place for natural exposure test in Florida. More than 20000 samples have been tested in Florida since year 2000.
The test, made according to ISO 2810: 2004, requires that the samples are exposed toward direction South, at an angle of 5° compared to horizontal level, so they are hit by the maximum quantity of incident radiations for 12 months.
Gi Color goes further, in order to check deeper the performance of its products, and it tests the samples also for:
24 months
36 months
60 months
according to the nature of the products under consideration.
REMARKS: most of the products made of coated aluminium (windows, doors, etc.) are used with a random exposure at an angle of 90° compared to the horizontal level. Also, the weather in other areas is usually less severe than at the tropic in Florida. Gi Color tests its products hardly.